Musical Instrument Names in Russian

If you’ve ever been curious about the names of musical instruments in Russian, you’re in luck! In this blog post, we’ll be exploring the fascinating world of musical instrument names in the Russian language. From the accordion to the violin, get ready to discover how these beloved instruments are referred to in Russian. Let’s dive in and expand our linguistic and musical knowledge together!

Musical Instrument Names in Russian

1. Гитара (Gitarа) – String instrument with a wooden body and six strings.
2. Фортепиано (Fortepiano) – Keyboard instrument with hammers and strings.
3. Скрипка (Skripka) – String instrument played with a bow.
4. Барабан (Baraban) – Percussion instrument played with hands or sticks.
5. Труба (Truba) – Brass instrument played by blowing air into a mouthpiece.
6. Флейта (Fleyta) – Woodwind instrument played by blowing air across a hole.
7. Аккордеон (Akkordeon) – Keyboard instrument with bellows and buttons.
8. Кларнет (Klarnet) – Woodwind instrument with a single reed mouthpiece.
9. Бас-гитара (Bas-gitarа) – Large string instrument with a deep sound.
10. Тромбон (Trombon) – Brass instrument with a sliding tube to change pitch.
11. Виолончель (Violonchel) – String instrument similar to a cello.
12. Гармоника (Garnonika) – Small handheld instrument with buttons to play chords.
13. Баян (Bayan) – Russian button accordion.
14. Укулеле (Ukulele) – Small string instrument with four strings.
15. Клавесин (Klavesin) – Keyboard instrument with plucked strings.
16. Банджо (Banzho) – String instrument with a round body and short neck.
17. Барабаны (Barabany) – Set of drums and cymbals played together.
18. Саксофон (Saksofon) – Woodwind instrument with a curved body and keys.
19. Мандолина (Mandolina) – Small string instrument with a pear-shaped body.
20. Тимпаны (Timpany) – Large kettle drums played with mallets.
21. Лира (Lira) – String instrument with a curved body and strings.
22. Кастаньеты (Kastanety) – Handheld percussion instrument made of wood or plastic.
23. Клавишные (Klavishnye) – Keyboard instruments such as pianos and organs.
24. Трубачи (Trubachi) – Musicians who play brass instruments.
25. Гудок (Gudok) – Traditional Russian string instrument.
26. Хармонь (Harmon) – French horn.
27. Концертный рояль (Kontsertnyy royal’) – Concert grand piano.
28. Культяпка (Kultyapka) – Maracas.
29. Духовой оркестр (Dukhovoy orkestr) – Brass band.
30. Кастаньеты (Kastanety) – Castanets.
31. Арфа (Arfa) – Harp.
32. Тамбурин (Tamboorin) – Tambourine.
33. Дудук (Duduk) – Armenian wind instrument.
34. Бугай (Bugay) – Bagpipes.
35. Домра (Domra) – Russian string instrument.
36. Ксилофон (Ksilofon) – Xylophone.
37. Балалайка (Balalaika) – Traditional Russian string instrument.
38. Октавия (Okstaviya) – Octave mandolin.
39. Вибрафон (Vibrafon) – Vibraphone.
40. Орган (Organ) – Large keyboard instrument with pipes.
41. Банджо (Banzho) – Banjo.
42. Фагот (Fagot) – Bassoon.
43. Гобой (Goboy) – Oboe.
44. Трубка (Trubka) – Trumpet.
45. Альт (Alt) – Viola.
46. Перкуссия (Perkussiya) – Percussion instruments.
47. Сопрано (Soprano) – High-pitched vocal range.
48. Тенаор (Tenor) – Mid-range male vocal range.
49. Баритон (Bariton) – Low-range male vocal range.
50. Контрабас (Kontrabas) – Double bass.

ALSO READ:   Musical Instrument Names in Belarusian


In conclusion, exploring the different musical instrument names in Russian has given us a fascinating glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the language. From the rhythmic sound of the барабан (drum) to the melodic tones of the гитара (guitar), each instrument name carries with it a sense of history and tradition. By learning these names, we not only expand our vocabulary but also deepen our understanding and appreciation of Russian music and culture. So next time you listen to a piece of Russian music, take a moment to appreciate the beauty and significance of the instruments that bring it to life.

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