Musical Instrument Names in Chinese Traditional

In traditional Chinese culture, music has always played a significant role in various aspects of life – from religious ceremonies to cultural celebrations. One fascinating aspect of Chinese music is the diverse range of musical instruments used to create beautiful melodies and harmonies. In this blog post, we will explore the names of some traditional Chinese musical instruments and learn more about their unique sounds and cultural significance. Join us on a journey through the rich history of Chinese music and discover the enchanting world of traditional Chinese musical instruments.

Musical Instrument Names in Chinese Traditional

1. 钢琴 (gāngqín) – Piano
2. 小提琴 (xiǎotíqín) – Violin
3. 鼓 (gǔ) – Drum
4. 笛子 (dízi) – Flute
5. 吉他 (jítā) – Guitar
6. 扬琴 (yángqín) – Yangqin (Chinese dulcimer)
7. 贝斯 (bèisī) – Bass
8. 古琴 (gǔqín) – Guqin (Chinese zither)
9. 箫 (xiāo) – Xiao (Chinese flute)
10. 竖琴 (shùqín) – Harp
11. 笛卡尔高音管 (dí kǎ’ěr gāo yīn guǎn) – Piccolo
12. 长笛 (chángdí) – Alto flute
13. 双排键琴 (shuāng pái jiàn qín) – Accordion
14. 萨克斯管 (sà kè sī guǎn) – Saxophone
15. 法国号 (fǎ guó hào) – French horn
16. 小号 (xiǎo hào) – Trumpet
17. 大号 (dà hào) – Trombone
18. 清唢呐 (qīng suǒ nà) – Chinese Suona horn
19. 乐器鼓 (yuèqì gǔ) – Percussion instrument
20. 红木二胡 (hóngmù èrhú) – Erhu (Chinese two-stringed fiddle)
21. 笙 (shēng) – Sheng (Chinese mouth organ)
22. 葫芦丝 (húlu sī) – Hulusi (Chinese gourd flute)
23. 蛇胆琴 (shé dǎn qín) – Sheng (Chinese mouth organ)
24. 特立尼达钢鼓 (tè lì ní dá gāng gǔ) – Steel drum
25. 杨花三弦 (yáng huā sān xián) – Yanghua Sanxian (Chinese three-stringed plucked instrument)
26. 打击乐器 (dǎjī yuèqì) – Percussion instrument
27. 壓頭鼓 (yā tóu gǔ) – Tabla
28. 马铃薯 (mǎ líng shǔ) – Castanets
29. 尼加拉瓜马林巴 (ní jiā lā guā mǎ lín bā) – Marimba
30. 阿根廷的班杜瑞隆鼓 (ā gēn tíng de bān dù ruì lóng gǔ) – Bandurria (Argentinian mandolin)
31. 卡农风琴 (kǎ nóng fēng qín) – Harmonium
32. 历史悠久的踏机琴 (lìshǐ yōujiǔ de tà jī qín) – Pedal harp
33. 给鼓手 (jǐ gǔ shǒu) – Congas
34. 非洲鼓 (fēi zhōu gǔ) – African drum
35. 五线谱 (wǔ xiàn pǔ) – Staff notation
36. 红鼓 (hóng gǔ) – Gong drum
37. 重金属鼓 (zhòng jīn shǔ gǔ) – Heavy metal drum
38. 雷鬼风琴 (léi guǐ fēng qín) – Reggae organ
39. 即兴风琴 (jí xìng fēng qín) – Improvisational organ
40. 电子琴 (diàn zǐ qín) – Synthesizer
41. 派尔康特歌 (pài ěr kāng tè gē) – Pipe organ
42. 中国风琴 (zhōng guó fēng qín) – Chinese organ
43. 瑞士阿尔卑斯圣雷蒙德音乐盒 (ruì shì ā ěr bèi sī shèng léi méng dé yīn yuè hé) – Swiss Alpine St. LeMond music box
44. 泰国钢琴 (tài guó gāng qín) – Thai piano
45. 蒙古风琴 (měng gǔ fēng qín) – Mongolian organ
46. 朝鲜锣鼓 (cháo xiǎn luó gǔ) – Korean gong and drum
47. 悉尼哈莱琴 (xīní hā lài qín) – Sydney harp
48. 斯卡帕特尔琴 (sī kǎ pà tè ěr qín) – Scottish fiddle
49. 不拉克提琴 (bù lā kè tí qín) – Balaklava fiddle
50. 高大特笛 (gāo dà tè dí) – Gaudate flute

ALSO READ:   Musical Instrument Names in Hebrew


In conclusion, the names of musical instruments in Chinese traditional music provide a fascinating insight into the rich cultural heritage and history of the region. Each instrument’s name carries with it a story and a connection to the land and people who have played and preserved these instruments for generations. From the elegant guzheng to the powerful sheng, each instrument has its own unique sound and purpose in traditional Chinese music. By learning about these instruments and their names, we can deepen our appreciation for the artistry and craftsmanship that goes into creating and playing them. Let us continue to celebrate and preserve these musical treasures for future generations to enjoy.

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