Musical Instrument Names in Chinese

Musical Instrument Names in Chinese

Have you ever wondered what your favorite instruments are called in Chinese? In this post, we will explore the names of various musical instruments in Chinese and discover the unique characteristics of each name. Join us on this journey as we delve into the world of music and language!

Musical Instrument Names in Chinese
Musical Instrument Names in Chinese

Musical Instrument Names in Chinese

1. 钢琴 (gāngqín) – Grand piano
2. 小提琴 (xiǎotíqín) – Violin
3. 吉他 (jíta) – Guitar
4. 爵士鼓 (juéshìgǔ) – Jazz drums
5. 长笛 (chángdí) – Flute
6. 萨克斯管 (sàkèsīguǎn) – Saxophone
7. 笛子 (dízi) – Chinese flute
8. 大提琴 (dàtíqín) – Cello
9. 古筝 (gǔzhēng) – Guzheng
10. 竖琴 (shùqín) – Harp
11. 电吉他 (diàn jíta) – Electric guitar
12. 高音萨克斯 (gāoyīn sàkèsī) – Soprano saxophone
13. 中提琴 (zhōngtíqín) – Viola
14. 二胡 (èrhú) – Erhu
15. 震动吉他 (zhèndòng jíta) – Acoustic guitar
16. 轻音乐吉他 (qīng yīnyuè jíta) – Classical guitar
17. 西班牙吉他 (xībānyá jíta) – Spanish guitar
18. 手风琴 (shǒufēngqín) – Accordion
19. 钢笔琴 (gāngbǐqín) – Steelpan
20. 鼓 (gǔ) – Drum
21. 锁鼓 (suǒ gǔ) – Snare drum
22. 轻鼓 (qīng gǔ) – Bongo drum
23. 木琴 (mùqín) – Xylophone
24. 大锣 (dà luó) – Gong
25. 铁琴 (tiě qín) – Tubular bells
26. 钢鼓 (gāng gǔ) – Steel drum
27. 蒂姆巴莱 (dì mǔ bā léi) – Timbale
28. 鼓包 (gǔ bāo) – Drum set
29. 风琴 (fēngqín) – Organ
30. 双簧管 (shuāng huáng guǎn) – Oboe
31. 法国号 (fǎguó hào) – French horn
32. 小号 (xiǎo hào) – Trumpet
33. 长号 (cháng hào) – Trombone
34. 铜管 (tóng guǎn) – Brass instrument
35. 木管 (mù guǎn) – Woodwind instrument
36. 铁片琴 (tiě piàn qín) – Celeste
37. 电子琴 (diàn zǐ qín) – Synthesizer
38. 萨克斯 (sà kè sī) – Sax
39. 吉他手 (jí tā shǒu) – Guitarist
40. 鼓手 (gǔ shǒu) – Drummer
41. 钢琴家 (gāng qín jiā) – Pianist
42. 吉他弹奏者 (jí tā tán zòu zhě) – Guitar player
43. 小提琴手 (xiǎo tí qín shǒu) – Violinist
44. 合唱团 (hé chàng tuán) – Choir
45. 吹奏乐器 (chuī zòu yuè qì) – Wind instrument
46. 打击乐器 (dǎ jī yuè qì) – Percussion instrument
47. 弦乐器 (xián yuè qì) – String instrument
48. 铜管乐器 (tóng guǎn yuè qì) – Brass instrument
49. 吹管乐器 (chuī guǎn yuè qì) – Woodwind instrument
50. 电子乐器 (diàn zǐ yuè qì) – Electronic instrument

ALSO READ:   Musical Instrument Names in Tamil


In conclusion, learning about musical instrument names in Chinese can be a fun and interesting way to explore the language and culture of China. From traditional instruments like the erhu and guzheng to modern instruments like the electric guitar and keyboard, there is a rich history and variety of musical instruments in China. By familiarizing yourself with these instrument names, you can gain a deeper appreciation for Chinese music and better communicate with musicians and music enthusiasts in Chinese-speaking communities. So next time you listen to Chinese music or attend a concert, you’ll have a greater understanding and appreciation for the instruments being played.

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