Musical Instrument Names in Amoy

Amoy, also known as Xiamen, is a coastal city in Fujian province, China. One interesting aspect of Amoy is its rich musical heritage, which includes a variety of traditional instruments that are unique to the region. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most popular musical instrument names in Amoy and learn about their significance in Chinese culture. Join us as we delve into the world of Amoy musical instruments and discover the beauty and diversity of this fascinating musical tradition.

Musical Instrument Names in Amoy

1. **琴 (chhîm)** – A traditional Chinese string instrument
2. **鼓 (kó͘)** – A percussion instrument typically played with drumsticks
3. **笛 (tek)** – A type of flute
4. **琵琶 (phi-bā)** – A Chinese lute with four strings
5. **二胡 (jī-hô͘)** – A two-stringed bowed musical instrument
6. **阮咸 (gún-hiâm)** – A plucked string instrument similar to the guitar
7. **笙 (seng)** – A mouth organ used in traditional Chinese music
8. **古箏 (kó͘-chêng)** – A Chinese zither with movable bridges
9. **笳 (kah)** – A type of horn or trumpet
10. **簫 (siau)** – A vertical flute with no finger holes
11. **豎琴 (sò͘-khîm)** – A harp-like instrument played by plucking strings
12. **橫笛 (hn̂g-tek)** – A transverse flute commonly used in orchestras
13. **小提琴 (sió-tî-kîm)** – A violin
14. **大提琴 (tā-tî-kîm)** – A cello
15. **小號 (sió-hō)** – A trumpet
16. **大號 (tā-hō)** – A trombone
17. **長號 (tiông-hō)** – A French horn
18. **雙簧管 (siunn-hông-kang)** – A double reed instrument like the oboe
19. **單簧管 (toân-hông-kang)** – A single reed instrument like the clarinet
20. **長笛 (tiông-tek)** – A piccolo
21. **低音薩克斯風 (tē-im-sat-kok-hong)** – A baritone saxophone
22. **中音薩克斯風 (tn̂g-im-sat-kok-hong)** – A alto saxophone
23. **高音薩克斯風 (ko-hong-sat-kok-hong)** – A soprano saxophone
24. **次中音薩克斯風 (tsṳ-tīng-im-sat-kok-hong)** – A tenor saxophone
25. **半音阮 (pn̄g-im-gún)** – A half-tone guitar
26. **半音薩克斯風 (pn̄g-im-sat-kok-hong)** – A half-tone saxophone
27. **樂器 (lia̍h-kí)** – A generic term for musical instruments
28. **搖滾吉他 (iâ-khak-kik-tha)** – An electric guitar used in rock music
29. **爵士鼓 (sek-sû-kó͘)** – A drum kit used in jazz music
30. **爵士小號 (sek-sû-sió-hō)** – A jazz trumpet
31. **古典吉他 (kó͘-tiān-kik-tha)** – A classical guitar
32. **古典鋼琴 (kó͘-tiān-kang-kîm)** – A classical piano
33. **古典提琴 (kó͘-tiān-tî-kîm)** – A classical violin
34. **古典大提琴 (kó͘-tiān-tā-tî-kîm)** – A classical cello
35. **古典長笛 (kó͘-tiān-tiông-tek)** – A classical piccolo
36. **古典單簧管 (kó͘-tiān-toân-hông-kang)** – A classical clarinet
37. **古典雙簧管 (kó͘-tiān-siunn-hông-kang)** – A classical oboe
38. **古典長號 (kó͘-tiān-tiông-hō)** – A classical French horn
39. **中國笛 (tn̂g-kok-tek)** – A Chinese flute
40. **中國二胡 (tn̂g-kok-jī-hô͘)** – A Chinese two-stringed instrument
41. **中國琵琶 (tn̂g-kok-phi-bā)** – A Chinese lute
42. **中國鼓 (tn̂g-kok-kó͘)** – A Chinese drum
43. **中國笙 (tn̂g-kok-seng)** – A Chinese mouth organ
44. **中國古箏 (tn̂g-kok-kó͘-chêng)** – A Chinese zither
45. **中國琴 (tn̂g-kok-chhîm)** – A Chinese string instrument
46. **中國阮咸 (tn̂g-kok-gún-hiâm)** – A Chinese plucked string instrument
47. **中國笳 (tn̂g-kok-kah)** – A Chinese horn or trumpet
48. **中國簫 (tn̂g-kok-siau)** – A Chinese flute
49. **中國豎琴 (tn̂g-kok-sò͘-khîm)** – A Chinese harp-like instrument
50. **中國橫笛 (tn̂g-kok-hn̂g-tek)** – A Chinese transverse flute

ALSO READ:   Musical instrument Name that Start with I


In conclusion, Amoy dialect provides a unique and fascinating insight into the cultural significance of musical instruments. The names of these instruments not only reflect the sounds they produce but also the rich history and traditions of the Amoy people. By exploring the meanings behind these names, we can gain a deeper understanding of the importance of music in Amoy culture. From the melodic tones of the “tsia̍h-sè” to the rhythmic beats of the “tsiâm-téng”, each instrument holds a special place in Amoy society. Through further research and exploration, we can continue to honor and preserve the musical heritage of this vibrant community.

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