Explore the List Of Shapes Names

Shapes are fundamental elements in mathematics and everyday life. They form the basis of geometry and are used in various fields such as art, design, architecture, and engineering. This comprehensive guide explores the names of all shapes, from simple to complex, helping you understand their properties and applications. Whether you are a student, teacher, or simply curious about shapes, this article provides a thorough overview.

Why Shapes Matter

Shapes are everywhere around us. They help us understand the world and are essential in visualizing and solving problems. Knowledge of shapes is crucial for developing spatial awareness, critical thinking, and creativity. Let’s delve into the world of shapes and explore their diverse forms and names.

Basic Shapes

Basic shapes are the foundation of geometry. They include simple, easily recognizable forms.

2D Shapes

Circle: A round shape with all points equidistant from the center.

Triangle: A three-sided polygon. Types include:

  • Equilateral Triangle: All sides and angles are equal.
  • Isosceles Triangle: Two sides and two angles are equal.
  • Scalene Triangle: All sides and angles are different.
  • Right Triangle: Has one 90-degree angle.

Square: A four-sided polygon with equal sides and right angles.

Rectangle: A four-sided polygon with opposite sides equal and right angles.

Parallelogram: A four-sided polygon with opposite sides parallel and equal.

Rhombus: A four-sided polygon with all sides equal and opposite angles equal.

Trapezoid (US) / Trapezium (UK): A four-sided polygon with one pair of parallel sides.

Pentagon: A five-sided polygon.

Hexagon: A six-sided polygon.

Heptagon: A seven-sided polygon.

Octagon: An eight-sided polygon.

Nonagon: A nine-sided polygon.

Decagon: A ten-sided polygon.

Advanced Shapes

Advanced shapes are more complex and often used in higher-level geometry and design.


Dodecagon: A twelve-sided polygon.

Icosagon: A twenty-sided polygon.


Pentagram: A five-pointed star.

Hexagram: A six-pointed star, often associated with the Star of David.

Octagram: An eight-pointed star.

Curved Shapes

Ellipse: An elongated circle, also known as an oval.

Parabola: A symmetrical, curved shape formed by the intersection of a cone with a plane parallel to its side.

Hyperbola: A type of smooth curve lying in a plane, formed by the intersection of a double cone with a plane.

3D Shapes

Sphere: A round 3D shape where every point on the surface is equidistant from the center.

Cube: A 3D shape with six equal square faces.

Cuboid: A 3D shape with six rectangular faces.

Cylinder: A 3D shape with two parallel circular bases connected by a curved surface.

Cone: A 3D shape with a circular base and a single vertex.

Pyramid: A 3D shape with a polygonal base and triangular faces that meet at a point (vertex).

Prism: A 3D shape with two parallel, congruent bases connected by rectangular faces. Types include:

  • Triangular Prism
  • Rectangular Prism
  • Pentagonal Prism
  • Hexagonal Prism

Tetrahedron: A pyramid with a triangular base, also known as a triangular pyramid.

Octahedron: A polyhedron with eight triangular faces.

Dodecahedron: A polyhedron with twelve pentagonal faces.

Icosahedron: A polyhedron with twenty triangular faces.

Composite Shapes

Composite shapes are combinations of simpler shapes.

L-Shape: Formed by joining two rectangles at right angles.

T-Shape: Formed by joining three rectangles in a ‘T’ configuration.

Cross: Formed by joining rectangles at right angles, often symmetrical.

Arrow: A shape resembling an arrow, formed by combining triangles and rectangles.

Application of Shapes

Shapes are used in various fields and applications:

  • Mathematics: For solving geometric problems and proving theorems.
  • Art and Design: For creating aesthetically pleasing compositions and patterns.
  • Architecture: For designing buildings and structures.
  • Engineering: For designing mechanical parts and systems.
  • Nature: Shapes are found in natural forms, from leaves to snowflakes.


Understanding the names and properties of different shapes is essential for various disciplines and everyday life. From basic 2D shapes to complex 3D forms, this comprehensive guide covers a wide range of shapes and their applications. Whether you’re learning geometry or exploring creative designs, knowing about shapes enhances your ability to visualize and solve problems effectively.

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