What Does Delulu Meaning In Slang? (Explained With Examples)

In the dynamic world of internet slang, a term has emerged that embodies fanaticism and obsession: “Delulu”. But what does it mean, exactly? This shortened form of “delusional” has taken the online world by storm, leaving many to wonder about its origins and usage. In this article, we’ll delve into the meaning of “Delulu”, exploring its definition, alternative meanings, and providing examples to illustrate its cultural significance.

What does “Delulu” Mean in Slang?

“Delulu” is a slang term used to describe someone, especially a superfan or dating partner, who exhibits extreme or irrational behavior, often driven by delusional thinking.

Alternative Meanings

While “Delulu” has a primary definition, its usage can vary depending on the context. Some possible alternative meanings and interpretations include:

  • Obsessive: Used to describe someone who is overly invested in a celebrity or relationship
  • Unrealistic: Used to highlight someone’s unrealistic expectations or beliefs
  • Fanatic: Used to emphasize someone’s extreme enthusiasm or dedication


At its core, “Delulu” is a term used to describe behavior that is seen as irrational, excessive, or delusional, often in a lighthearted or humorous way.

Examples of “Delulu” in Slang

Let’s explore some examples to illustrate the cultural significance of “Delulu” in action:

Example 1

K-pop fan: “You’re so delulu if you think you’re going to marry your celebrity crush!”

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Example 2

Friend: “You’re being delulu if you think that relationship is going to work out.”

Example 3

TikTok caption: “Delulu mode activated #Kpop #Superfan”

Stay tuned for the rest of the article, where we’ll dive deeper into the cultural significance and implications of “Delulu” in our online landscape.

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