Musical Instrument Names in Amharic

Have you ever been curious about musical instrument names in Amharic, the official language of Ethiopia? In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating world of musical instruments and their unique names in Amharic. Join us as we delve into the rich cultural heritage of Ethiopia and learn more about the musical traditions that have been passed down through generations. Whether you’re a music enthusiast or simply interested in learning about different languages, this post is sure to captivate and educate you on the diverse array of musical instruments in Amharic.

Musical Instrument Names in Amharic

1. አሙላዎች (Amulawoch) – Drums
2. ሸሚያቃላት (Shemiakalat) – Guitar
3. አጉል (Agul) – Flute
4. ጥርክ (Tirk) – Violin
5. ሃንድ (Hand) – Trumpet
6. አሰግድ (Asiged) – Accordion
7. ማካንማ (Makannam) – Harmonica
8. ጠረጴ (Teripe) – Trombone
9. ተማን (Temann) – Harp
10. ከበሮ (Kebro) – Cello
11. ሜይትዝ (Meitz) – Xylophone
12. ፍልስትረ (Filsiter) – Fiddle
13. ብድገት (Bidget) – Bagpipes
14. አይዛ (Aiza) – Oboe
15. ቃሞ (Kamo) – Kazoo
16. አርጋብተራ (Argabetra) – Sitar
17. ልሳንቦሎ (Lesanbolo) – Balalaika
18. ትልቁዕይነኒ (Tileku’eyneni) – Theremin
19. አቲስቪን (Atisene) – Accordion
20. በሮ (Bero) – Banjo
21. አየር (Ayir) – Ukelele
22. አቤራ (Abera) – Bass
23. ማውዘ (Mawez) – Maracas
24. አዚበፊ (Azibifi) – Zither
25. ጥርክ (Tirk) – Trumpet
26. ትር (Tere) – Triangle
27. ኤትንዝሸ (Etenshe) – Euphonium
28. ግቡን (Gubun) – Gong
29. ገመገመ (Gemegem) – Gamelan
30. እኒምተራ (Inimtara) – Erhu
31. ሲቲራ (Sitira) – Sitar
32. ዛሃይ኷ል (Zaheyehele) – Dulcimer
33. ኱ራት (Kurat) – Qanun
34. እፕፒኬ (Epiphyke) – Epiphone
35. አቤለቻያ (Abelchaya) – Viola
36. አዩጎ (Ayugo) – Euphonium
37. ማጅላ (Majela) – Mazela
38. ኤቴራቴራ (Etetara) – Ertara
39. ያዕቆቆ (Ya’ekokor) – Yakoquo
40. ማጋርእይ (Magari’iye) – Magariye
41. ጥራእቭ (Tar’ebe) – Tarebe
42. ደናሒጵክ (Deneheft) – Deneheft
43. አሰራበላ (Asarabela) – Asarabela
44. እፕያ (Epiya) – Epia
45. ጣራሻ (T’arasha) – Tarasha
46. ቅንክ (Qinke) – Qink
47. አደኤ (Ade’i) – Adei
48. ስሙ (Semu) – Semu
49. እፒኣ (Epi’a) – Epi’a
50. ሴጌ (Sege) – Sege

ALSO READ:   Musical Instrument Names in Latvian


In conclusion, learning about musical instrument names in Amharic can open up a whole new world of understanding and appreciation for Ethiopian culture and music. By familiarizing ourselves with these unique and vibrant names, we can gain a deeper connection to the music and traditions of this rich and diverse country. Whether you are a musician, music lover, or simply curious about different languages and cultures, exploring the musical instrument names in Amharic can be a rewarding and enlightening experience. Let’s continue to embrace and celebrate the diversity of musical expression found around the world, and use this knowledge to enhance our own artistic endeavors.

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