Musical Instrument Names in Ukrainian

Have you ever wondered what musical instruments are called in Ukrainian? In this blog post, we will explore the names of popular instruments in the Ukrainian language. From the piano to the violin, get ready to expand your vocabulary and learn how to talk about your favorite instruments in Ukrainian. Let’s dive in and discover the beautiful world of musical instrument names in Ukrainian!

Musical Instrument Names in Ukrainian

1. Гітара (gіtara) – string instrument
2. Скрипка (skrypka) – violin
3. Флейта (fleyta) – flute
4. Труба (truba) – trumpet
5. Кларнет (klarnet) – clarinet
6. Барабани (barabani) – drums
7. Фортепіано (fortepіano) – piano
8. Акордеон (akordeon) – accordion
9. Губна гармоніка (gubna harmonika) – harmonica
10. Банджо (bandzho) – banjo
11. Баян (byan) – bayan
12. Віолончель (violonchel) – cello
13. Тимпани (tympani) – timpani
14. Ксилофон (ksylofon) – xylophone
15. Трубач (trubach) – cornet
16. Флейта-пікколо (fleyta-pіkkolo) – piccolo flute
17. Тромбон (trombon) – trombone
18. Цимбали (tsymbali) – cymbals
19. Гобой (hoboy) – oboe
20. Гармонія (harmoniya) – harmonium
21. Туба (tuba) – tuba
22. Саксофон (saksofon) – saxophone
23. Ліра (lіra) – lyre
24. Мандоліна (mandolina) – mandolin
25. Вібрафон (vіbrafon) – vibraphone
26. Бубон (bubon) – tambourine
27. Ятаган (yatagan) – glockenspiel
28. Фагот (fahot) – bassoon
29. Цимбалом (tsymbalom) – dulcimer
30. Маримба (marimba) – marimba
31. Добруцька дудка (dobrutcka dudka) – Duduk
32. Хорн (horn) – french horn
33. Клешнефон (kleshnefon) – clave
34. Лірамба (lіramba) – lyramba
35. Відабрачі (vіdabrachі) – vedabras
36. Гуцулівка (hutzulіvka) – Hust
37. Цуба (tsuba) – tuba
38. Хлопчик (khlopchyk) – boy
39. Женщинка (zhenschynka) – woman
40. Медведь (medved) – bear
41. Вус (vus) – mustache
42. Кот (kot) – cat
43. Череп (cherep) – skull
44. Ябко (yabko) – apple
45. Жарт (zhart) – joke
46. Вогонь (vohon) – fire
47. Цвяшок (tsvyashok) – nail
48. Ніс (nіs) – nose
49. Дзеркало (dzerkalo) – mirror
50. Хочу (khochu) – want

ALSO READ:   Musical Instrument Names in Cham


In conclusion, exploring the names of musical instruments in Ukrainian has not only been informative but also fascinating. From the traditional string instruments like the balalaika and bandura to more modern additions like the elektronna skrypka (electric violin), Ukrainian musical culture is rich and diverse. Learning the names of these instruments can deepen our appreciation for the music and traditions of Ukraine. Whether you are a musician, a music enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, understanding the instrument names in Ukrainian can open up a whole new world of possibilities. Let’s continue to celebrate the beauty and uniqueness of Ukrainian music and its instruments. Дякую! (Thank you!)

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